Live from your imagination not your history


Who is Tiki Davis and why does he matter?
Tiki Davis is a father, child of God, award-winning entrepreneur, successful businessman, oil and gas expert, actor, author, visionary, but most importantly, a survivor with a captivating story to share. Tiki’s story matters because it traces triumph over tragedy, achievement despite overwhelming odds, and more importantly than the rags-to-riches reality he has attained, the ongoing example he strives to establish: living life freely and successfully in a spiritual partnership with his creator.

Tiki grew up in Odessa, a dusty West Texas city between El Paso and Dallas, best known for oil and high school football. “Friday Night Lights,” a best-selling book about Odessa Permian High School football, also became a blockbuster movie and the source of a TV series, but these facts serve as mere background noise in the midst of challenging circumstances in Tiki’s life.

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

Tiki's Adversity Made Him

Tiki, like many of us, has faced numerous obstacles that could have derailed and destroyed him. These conditions threatened a repeat the cycle of behavior that could have turned Tiki Davis into just another statistic. God promises that no weapon formed against a believer shall prosper, but Satan continues to wield those weapons in the never-ending clash of good versus evil. From almost losing his life at 9 to a madman brandishing a screwdriver, to being shuttled around to group homes after his mother went to prison, all the way to incarceration due to false accusation at age 17, these weapons were employed.

 Through his own determination and support of people who recognized his potential, Tiki realized a goal of playing collegiate football that would serve as a stepping stone to greater achievements. He earned both his Bachelor’s degree in communications (2003) and Master’s degree (2005) from Sul Ross State University. In the midst of his studies, Tiki also gained attention on the big screen. He was hired for a non-speaking role in the movie version of “Friday Night Lights” during filming in Odessa. Later, an impromptu audition gained him a speaking role and appropriate credits. While on set rehearsing his role as a captain of the Dallas Carter football team in the Texas state championship game, he met Julius Tennon, who would become a close friend and mentor.


Clayton Williams Jr. (Oil Tycoon) and Tiki Davis
Clayton Williams Jr. (Oil Tycoon) and Tiki Davis

From Oil Field To Entrepreneur

After dabbling in the acting scene for a few years, Tiki saw possibilities waiting for him the in expanding Permian Basin oilfields. When he was terminated by the company he worked as part of downsizing, Tiki turned an obstacle into an opportunity. He used his on-the-job experience to become an independent consultant, forming his own company, TDC Frac Solutions and Equipment Inc. He worked and formed relationships with wildcatter-businessman Clayton Williams, Jr  and numerous other oil companies throughout Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado and New Mexico, establishing a solid reputation for honesty and efficiency in the industry. In short order, Tiki became an innovator, as the services he was providing never existed before he found his niche saving the oil companies millions of dollars over time. 

Mr. Davis was the only quality control engineer used by Clayton Williams’ company, CWI, which in itself would be a remarkable accomplishment for anyone, let alone an African American from the Odessa “flats.” For a seven-year period, from 2009-2016, Tiki was responsible for all of quality control activity in Permian Basin for CWI. To put that into context, CWI would sell in 2017 for a then-record $2.7 billion. Through his success during this massive growth period, Tiki was now able to look into other endeavors. 

Setting The Tone

 Through his success during this massive growth period, Tiki was now able to look into other endeavors. Seeking to do more in his community and expand his interests beyond oil and gas, Tiki entered the real estate business. Growing up without the proverbial pot or window, he understood the importance of home ownership and sought to build affordable dwellings in his neighborhood in the midst of a housing shortage. At the same time Tiki purchased Sam’s BBQ, a traditionally black-owned establishment, expanded the restaurant’s catering business and turned it into one of the most successful oilfield catering companies in the area. Accomplishing all of this earned him multiple business/entrepreneur of the year awards and the freedom to live life on his own terms.

Personal and Charitable Interests

Tiki’s friendly disposition and understanding of others allowed him to serve as role model in his community. In fact, he initiates miraculous services for diversified groups and build optimism and confidence for the future. He has always had a love for people. Through the years, he became a mentor to boys and young men, telling of his trek through adversity and stressing the potential benefits of positive choices and good judgment. As a result of his mentorship, several of his mentees attended and graduated from prestigious collegiate institutions such as Harvard University.


Tiki Davis has many profound talents and gifts. Using engineering experience gained in the West Texas oilfields, he started his own successful consulting business, became a real estate investor, engaged in residential construction, and owned two successful barbeque restaurants. Tiki continues to revolutionize business by possessing ingenuity, spirit, and determination, making him one of the greatest entrepreneurs in his lifetime.

  • 2013- Recognized as the “Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award’ by the Black Chamber of Commerce of the Permian Basin
  • 2013- Received the “Distinguished Odessan Man of the Year Award Community Service by the Castanette’s Social, Civic and Arts Club Odessa, Texas
  • 2014-Received the “Small Business Award” by the Office of the Governor and the Texas Workforce Commission
  • 2018 – Received the “Business Person of the Year Award” by the Black Chamber of Commerce 
  • 2019 – Received the “Legends and Living Legends of the Permian Basin Award 
  • 2019 – Co Author of the “Break Through Book” with Johnny Wimbrey, Les Brown and Nik Halik
  • 2019 – Film producer of the “Factor Film” 
  • 2020- Recognized the “Icon” award by I Change Nations
My success doesn’t lie in the money I have earned nor the awards I have received. The greatest triumph of my life is proving to anyone that we are more than the sum of our parts. We are more than our environment, our background, or a test score. We are whatever we aspire to be if we are willing to have faith and fight for the things we want


Tiki’s desire to share his story and life’s possibilities led to his latest endeavor as a motivational speaker. He met the great Les Brown, who heard Tiki story and quickly became his mentor and teacher. Since then, they have shared stages at major events. Tiki is currently speaking and sharing his story through the TIKI FACTOR, helping others to make a total commitment to their hopes and dreams, providing them with the insight and inspiration to be able to live their lives to the fullest.

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